Babysitter | Confinement Nanny

A better experience in finding a babysitter or confinement nanny. Quick and convenient.

Wide Network

HelperGo has over 1500 registered professional babysitters and confinement nannies.

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Simple Pricing

Clear pricing plan, with either a one-off or hourly rate. No hidden charges, clear and affordable.

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Registered babysitters and confinement nannies on the platform are all trained and certified to ensure the best quality of service.

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Care Follow-up

Our customer service team can be contacted via online chat, email, whatsapp or telephone. We will be with you through the whole service process.

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Convenient Booking

While you can only contact traditional agencies at certain time. Our platform offers 24/7 to find someone for your needs with our proprietary matching engine.

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Individualised Need

We design our services and package to meet your needs according to your family and individual. You can always talk to us for more information.

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Confinement Nannies




Star babysitters and confinement nannies

Experienced helpers with years in child development

Ms Chu

7 years experience as a confinement nanny who has handled more than 60 cases. Certified in post-natal care work and lactation stimulation. Experienced in infant acupressure massage, emergency treatment , CPR, confinement cooking. Worked in Mainland as nurse for over 20 years.

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Sister Kwan

An experienced babysitter and confinement nanny who have looked after more than 20 infants and babies, specialised in infant language development and their growth. Certified in post-natal care work in 2009 and have received several awards.

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Miss Ng

9 years experience as confinement nanny and have taken care of more than 20 babies including 2 pairs of twins. Able to feed and burp babies, help new mother to recover after birth and cook pork knuckles and ginger Stew.

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Nurse Lee

An experienced confinement nanny who have worked in the children department in both public and private hospitals child care. Can work 24 hours and have taken care of twins.

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What Customers Say

Baby is growing up so fast and happy!

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